Friday, December 19, 2008

Final Project

My final project was another iMovie. I am still very frustrated with both of the iMovies I have created during the duration of the semester. Both of them seem to have cut off the edges of my pictures and have made them very fuzzy, when really the pictures are very clear! I think maybe this has something to do with the way I converted them into movie form while taking them out of iMovie. I converted them to a ".mov" file by using quicktime. Is this the problem for the cutting off of the actual size of the movie??

I know that the quality of pictures problem has something to do with iMovie and not with Quicktime, though. When I imported my (clear) pictures into iMovie, immediately they were fuzzy. It is so frustrating because I took so much time choosing the pictures to use. My final project used pictures of beautiful flowers, and I took a portion of a song (edited by using Audacity) entitiled "Hello Sunshine" because I thought it was appropriate for the flowers!!

Please comment if you have any advice on how I could improve these problems in the future!! Thanks!

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